Sharon and her adventures...
Remembering the adventures in life and the interesting things that I have come across.
(Move to ...)
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Kundal Honey & Macadamia Shampoo, Treatment and Ultra Serum (Baby Powder) Review
A few weeks ago, I came across the launch of a new Korean brand of haircare range called Kundal on and it got me...
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Worst Makeup Experience in Singapore With a Freelance Makeup Artist Called Nicole
It has been a long time since I last blogged.. but today just so angry that I wanted to share my makeup experience with a freelance makeup a...
Friday, June 9, 2017
Hot Selling Heme Baby Q Transparent Puff - The New MakeUp Blender
One thing I dont like about using BB cushion is that I find dabbing a used sponge onto the cushion and then onto my skin like quite unh...
My Daily Health and Beauty Supplements from Nano Japan
If you have been shopping on Qoo10 frequently, you confirm will see Nano Japan Products appearing in the top 100 bestsellers in the be...
Monday, February 6, 2017
Any Successful Treatments for Sebaceous Hyperplasia?
I used to like my skin but not anymore ... In fact now I feel very depressed whenever I look into the mirror. I am suffering from a skin dis...
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