
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Elizabeth Arden Pretty Hot Makeover & Photoshoot

I was at Centrepoint Atrium for the Elizabeth Arden new Pretty Hot and White Glove Extreme Exclusive Launch, to have a Pretty Hot Makeover cum photoshoot session.

The makeup and hair-styling stations..

The Pretty Hot Photoshoot Backdrop.. (Yes it does resemble the one shown in Pretty Hot Poster)

Even the chair and floor decorated with flowers.. and not forgetting a window with curtain (A cozy and pretty corner that I wish that I have in my room)

Look what I found on the dressing table.. Pretty and Pretty Hot Perfumes!

Dada... My makeover photo was placed in this nice Elizabeth Arden folder which can double up as a standing photoframe.

and here's my photograph (Don't laugh upon seeing it!)

^ I am too fat, especially my giantic arms.. and I actually requested the photographer to trim off my super fleshly arms using Photoshop, since I never see myself with slimmer arms before.. Think the hair curls too tight and my curled fringe looked weird..(ok this is the only photo that you see in my blog that is photoshopped! cause I do not have photoshop on my pc and I do not know how to use... I think I seriously should go and learn photoshop, then I will have slimmer arms, no eye bags, no dark circles, no pimples... in the photographs of course!...('',) )

Another picture that I took after the photoshoot using my phone.. I loosened the curls so that they did not look so tight... I think I not suited to perm my hair lor... The curls made me look much older than my actual age, felt like I was 40 years old+!!

But I had great fun having the makeover and photoshoot... Thank you Elizabeth Arden Singapore for arranging this Pretty Hot makeover and photoshoot session for me.

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